Viviendas e hipotecas2021-06-30T15:12:32-05:00
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North Shore Trust & Savings da la bienvenida a Oak Leaf Community Mortgage

15 de noviembre de 2023|

North Shore Trust & Savings welcomes Oak Leaf Community Mortgage! We are pleased to announce a significant development in our ongoing commitment to meet your financial needs. In our efforts to continually strengthen our service offerings, we are expanding our residential mortgage lending services. This expansion is marked[...]

Comprar una casa

11 de abril de 2023|

BUYING A HOME Start by defining your goals. Consider where you want to live, the features you're looking for, what you can afford, and a realistic date for having the money you'll need. Then apply your knowledge to making this key decision. The Cost of[...]

La Ley CARES: Préstamos para estudiantes

3 de enero de 2023|

THE CARES ACT: STUDENT LOANS If you or your dependents have federally owned student loans, revisions in the CARES Act can help reduce that burden temporarily. Suspended Payments The CARES Act created an automatic suspension of principal and interest payments on federally owned student[...]